Ideally enjoyed with dips and cheeses.
Deep in the heart of Victoria’s Yarra Valley, the origin of gourmet foods and boutique wineries lies nestled in its heartland, a handmade mud-brick dwelling, the home of Ricci’s Bikkies. Locally sourced ingredients are used in an ethically sustainable way to produce the finest products imaginable.
Ricci’s Bikkies are the original Pita Crisp and much-loved Australian brand you’ve come to know over the past 20 years. Ricci’s Bikkies is proud to continue producing handmade, all-natural products, including ‘the original’ best-selling Garlic, Olive & Parmesan Pita’s and ‘the original’ Olive Oil & Sea Salt Pita Crisps.
Ricci’s Bikkies promise to you – they will continue to provide customers with ‘simply the highest quality pita crisp in Australia’. So when you buy Ricci’s Bikkies, you’re simply purchasing the best.